Olmec Consultancy Group was established in 2017 driven by a desire to improve the inherent capability of the public and private sectors to manage risk within their organisations. Risk mitigation is defined as taking steps to reduce adverse effects and it is critical to prevent (or reduce) the potentially disastrous effects of ineffective planning and a lack of coherent and robust processes and procedures. Aside from the cost to business and the threat of hugely damaging legal action, the ramifications can have a significant impact on people, assets and reputation.
Olmec specialises in the following:
- Risk Management Frameworks
- Strategic PEST Analysis & Country Reports
- Security Risk Assessments (SRA)
- Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
- Transport Security (road, rail, air and maritime)
- International Logistics Solutions
- Journey Management Planning (JMP)
- Secure Lodging & Transportation (USA)